​Our annual dues are $35.00 yearly and your membership dollars help provide fun and positive annual community activities and general enhancements to our community! Donations are also welcome for special projects discussed and voted on at our monthly meetings. Projects that help to enhance our surroundings and keep our surroundings up-to-date and well-maintained.
Some of our community events include Sparkle in the Park, Christmas Community Lighting, our annual Community Yard Sale, Bear Lake Days and Fireworks, Fall Fest, and Trunk or Treat. Promoters not only vote on and plan events, but a lot of back and forth happens with other organizations like the Bear Lake Triginta Club, and the Bear Lake Area Historical Museum, among others.
Over the years enhancements to our community have been made and maintained, such as landscaping along our beach area and signage area along our Main Street, our Beautiful Bear Lake signs that were added years ago and just recently updated and refinished (through donations and Triginta and Promoter donations); the Hopkins Park pavilion enclosure, the deck area on our Main Street which houses our Bear Lake Cares box that our residents and neighbors add food and personal care items to for those less fortunate. Give what you can take what you need is our motto and the Bear Lake free book exchange is also on the deck. Our clock tower is located on the deck and has just been refurbished through some wonderful donations from our community along with Triginta and Promoters.
To keep Bear Lake moving forward we need you to be part of this wonderful organization. Remember new ideas are always welcome, new volunteers are always needed, and just more people involved means more innovations for Bear Lake.
Bear Lake Promoters meetings are held the first Tuesday of the month at 6pm at the Bear Lake Community Church 7861 Main Street. Come and check us out. Become a member and join in the fun and hard work too that makes Bear Lake the place to be!
Don’t forget to check out our Facebook page as well as our Newsletter which gets mailed to members and is available for everyone at most businesses in Bear Lake. We have been promoting Bear Lake since 1985!
To fill out an application and get involved…..